The new Lesson I discovered from TV
Hola! this week is going to be super hectic for me so I’m trying to get ahead of emails as well as stuff before I go out of town tomorrow. I’ll be gone from Tuesday to Sunday so if anyone wishes to embrace a cat, let me know.
My flight is quite early tomorrow so I won’t be able to run. hviledag. #Boom
Mine seneste videoer
But, I did a solid 10 miles today to get nice as well as tired. My Garmin is acting a bit weird, so this time around was off a bit.
Also, this water fountain made my life. I was SO DEHYRDRATED!!!!! That’s since yesterday I didn’t have any type of water on the hike as well as then we were out as well as I couldn’t refill my water bottle.
Phil as well as Erin stayed the night so I put out a nice spread for breakfast – bagels w/ cream cheese, fruit, yogurt, granola as well as eggs. They snacked as the eggs cooked.
I just had my usual though…
They are new to the west coastline so I wished to do something truly beach-y. I truly did have fun paddle-boarding for the Propel difficulty last month so I suggested that. added perk is I’m working with Groupon on a job next month as well as we got a excellent offer on it!! stay tuned for more on that – it’s going to be fun.
Now I have to get some work done as well as pack! I’m really a bit overwhelmed by all of it right now. But, I just recently was watching women of London – a new truth show on Bravo about these super elegant women in London. one of them was semi-complaining about getting her cosmetics done as well as making it to a celebration on time when she joked, “My diamond shoes are as well tight…”
Ha! That made me laugh as well as believe – these are extremely BS problems, so I am NOT complaining. I just have to be much better about time administration as well as stress relief (oddly I like traveling, however it provides me stress and anxiety a lil bit). The moral of the story is suck it up buttercup as well as surface this publish so everybody can get on with their lives.
FitBit Giveaway champion – Jessica at PugRunAholic – please email me at runeatrepeat at gmail. com
I’ll be on the wellness Panel at Fitbloggin as well as we want your questions. Do you have any type of concerns on exactly how to make wearable activity gadgets work for you better?
Question: Do you concern about ‘first world problems’? if not – exactly how do you keep it in perspective?
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