3-2-1 Grilled Cheese with Veggies
I think this might be the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had! (And I’ve had a lot of them.) I call it the 3-2-1 Grilled Cheese because 3 veggies with 2 kinds of real California
I think this might be the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had! (And I’ve had a lot of them.) I call it the 3-2-1 Grilled Cheese because 3 veggies with 2 kinds of real California
Jeg har så mange forbedringer, jeg vil gøre, at det var svært at begrænse mine nytårsopløsninger og mål i 2010. Jeg kunne have lavet en liste med 20 ting! Men jeg har brudt det ned
Helllloooooo! I was running late to boot camp this morning and forgot my water bottle and fuel to run. I planned on doing my long run today so I would be recovered by Sunday. Svigte.
On the podcast the last week I talked a bit about how I first started therapy. I’m oddly comfortable sharing because in college my bf’s mom talked about it no differently than she talked about
Efter min morgen tilfredsstillende ramte jeg Farmer’s Market Ideel rundt om hjørnet. Jeg kan ikke modstå de miljøvenlige blommer såvel som at få (og spiste!) Tre af dem ideelle væk. Jeg har ligeledes valgt den
Min allerførste boot camp i denne session gik godt! Vi har en mindre gruppe, da SoCal Peeps holder sig ude af det kølige (48 fryser for os!), Men jeg håber, at det giver mig meget
Hello! Hvordan går din dag? I am about to jump on a Skype call in 3 seconds but wanted to say a quick hey there first and see what you’re up to today! and I
I bit the bullet and went to hot yoga today. I was really scared because yoga 1-2 was hard for me back in California and I haven’t done studio yoga in a few months. But,
I morges gjorde jeg 7 miles i 1:02:48! Jeg følte mig virkelig god hele tiden – jeg synes, at det er en god ide at integrere yoga i min maratontræning? Normalt på mine løb er
I have the best tea giveaway for you today! Helt seriøst. It’s all my favorite tea things! but first let’s talk about my adventures at Celestial Seasonings. The company invited me to tour their facility