Brunch med Benefiber


sponsoreret Glædelig søndag! Mine mest aktuelle videoer Marathon Training Day 4 Marathon Training Diary Day 4 Check In Flere videoer 0 sekunder på 1 minut, 21 sekunder Næste op Golden Retriever tager ikke sine piller!

Eating out…again


I’ve eaten out the last three meals! I understand that’s what occurs when you travel, however we typically eat at Ben’s parents many of the time when we visit. On our method to Ben’s sister’s

Grab Some Iced Coffee and Ben


Hello! I started my day with a little walk to the store for food supplies. On the way home I chomped on some grapes. Lately my omelets have been coming out looking pretty legit. Today

Avocados dræber mig såvel som min hund


hej! Præcis hvordan har du det? Hvad er dine mål for ugen? Jeg føler, at vi skulle begynde at dele vores mandag mini-mål igen. Det er dejligt at opdele mål i små stykker eller bare

Let All flowers Bloom


I heard this phrase, “Let all flowers bloom“, on the radio this morning as well as I truly liked it. I have been getting a bit frustrated that all my difficult work isn’t paying off

5 minutters bønne dip opskrift


Denne cremede bønne dip er vegansk såvel som meget enkel at lave. Kan være et godt koncept for det ‘store spil’, som alle taler om denne weekend … Jeg har forsøgt at få gode venner

The truth of the circumstance


I didn’t publish last night since I have a great deal going on in my personal life as well as likewise had a great deal of believing to do. I was believing about the truth

The new Lesson I discovered from TV


Hola! this week is going to be super hectic for me so I’m trying to get ahead of emails as well as stuff before I go out of town tomorrow. I’ll be gone from Tuesday

Egg Freezing update Week 2


Freezing my eggs update… thoughts on the next step of the process to freeze my eggs. After a week of birth manage I had an visit at the doctor’s office for much more blood work